Title: 'Blossom'Medium: Acrylics on canvasSize: 55 x 45 x 4.5 cmUnframed
Description: Hope...Perseverance... Tenacity...Faith... in yourself... are they not all signs of self-love?
Especially when life is dealing ‘cards’ that are truly challenging.
When I think of times of deepest hurt and pain... I acknowledge that these helped me to grow and reach new levels of understanding and consciousness. That doesn’t mean to say I didn’t cry...
I know not why,
that when life hurts,
I cannot write, instead I cry.
It seems the words, they hide from me
that my emotions with tears can be set free.
Yet that is not enough to release all,
the confusion, the sorrow, heartfelt pain
What is it that beckons, that calls
and leads me to let go, resolve again?
An expression of colour at the tip of my brush
in curious, yet revealing contours and contrasts, my emotions they hush.
They calm and soften, a lightness emerges
no longer weighed down by the heavy waters.
The light it more than flickers now
to draw the truth back out, to again allow
my burst of colour to break out and defy
the dark, the hurt, that I may reach to the sky.
I taste the sweetness of the air
breathe deeply, acknowledge what was, that I may share,
a joyful new array of shades
petals softly blossom brightly, in cheerful display.
What lies beneath holds me strong
with roots reaching deep from a lifetime long
not to be disregarded in any way
each telling its story, a foundation lay,
that I may rise, grow tall again,
blossom with new colours, with love and play.
“Blossom my love” Spirit calls,
“blossom through, gain strength through the pitfalls.
It is but life in its rollercoaster run
again and again you will return to the fun.
Each time stronger, wiser, anew;
flourish my love, rejoice, blossom out of the blue.”
Poem by Susanne Wiechert
An original painting by SuzanA intuitive, visionary art
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PriceFrom £395.00
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