Art for Business Events
Does your organisation hold training events for staff and/or clients?
​How do you keep participants of these events fully engaged, motivated and energised?
Meeting rooms can often develop stagnant energy - delegates may get tired, have difficulty concentrating, experience 'brainfog', becoming unproductive and some may even feel pressured and anxious by expectations.
SuzanA intuitive, visionary art has often been used in training environments to enhance the overall effect of the training. How so?

By strategically placing specific paintings around the room to emit energy that can help participants get 'unstuck' with their thoughts; find inspiration from within, remain calm, yet energized and motivated throughout to propel them into action and get the desired results.
'Confusion Unveiled' is literally about 'clearing the fog', gaining clarity and inspiration to move on and create with clear thinking. Click on the link for further details and to purchase.
Like to find out which are the most popular paintings so far that have made a noticeable difference
to both delegates and course providers? Email me to arrange a consultation and discover more. Video testimonial by Simone Vincenzi of GTeX coming soon!