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'Harmonic Crescendo'

Medium: Acrylics and mixed media on canvas board

Size: 12 x 8 inches / 30 x 20 cm





Whilst watching a rather lovely old film, I began a painting in a state of unknowing, with no real direction yet a feeling of anticipation.
First came a watery wash of pale yellow... a little orange. Then I reached for a mixture of greens and just started dabbing in random fashion. There was no fusion anywhere... but the story on screen and the music playing from it was also still in its infancy.


I had chosen a small canvas board. At first it seemed to be just a 'mush' of colour and texture.
I reached for dried flowers to paint/print with... and much like the energy I was picking up from the story - it was 'a mixture of all sorts' and some of the seeds were dropping and sticking to the paint.
I can now see this as a great metaphor. Seeds sticking ... to take root for something new and wonderful!
And so it continued. As the story unfolded and developed, so did my energy and the brush strokes - especially when ther rhymic beat to the music began to crescendo in different ways!
By the last quarter of the film, I was well on my way, a picture began to form... gold began to shine through and wow... that energy was sweeping through and across.
A transformation of energy... state of mind... mood... finishing with feelings of awe and joy that were working through me from the finishing storyline of the film and translating into this painting.
Perhaps you can sense the vibrancy... the vitality with which it finished.
So here we have a small, yet energetic painting that now vibrates that frequency of joy and vitality and I've decided to give it the title 'Harmonic Crescendo'.

'Harmonic Crescendo'

PriceFrom £75.00
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